The Chris Aguilar, real estate investor

BBD Strategy: How the Rich Use This Strategy to Minimize Taxes

The “Buy, Borrow, and Die” (BBD) strategy is a controversial tactic that some wealthy individuals use to maximize their wealth by leveraging their assets to the maximum. The basic idea behind the BBD strategy is to borrow heavily against assets such as real estate, stocks, or other investments, and use the borrowed funds to make additional investments. By doing so, individuals can maximize their returns, while minimizing their tax liabilities.

However, while the BBD strategy may be appealing to some, it comes with significant risks that should be carefully considered. In this blog post, we will explore the BBD strategy in more detail and discuss its potential benefits and drawbacks. Get more details about BBD strategy at

How does the BBD strategy work?

The BBD strategy involves three steps: Buy, Borrow, and Die. Here’s how it works:


The first step in the BBD strategy is to acquire assets that are expected to appreciate in value over time, such as real estate, stocks, or other investments. The goal is to purchase these assets at a low price and then hold onto them for an extended period, allowing their value to appreciate.


Once the assets have appreciated in value, the next step is to borrow heavily against them. The idea is to use the borrowed funds to make additional investments, thereby leveraging the assets to the maximum.


Finally, the individual would pass away, at which point their heirs would inherit the assets, which would receive a stepped-up basis. This means that the assets would be revalued at the current market value at the time of the individual’s death, rather than the original purchase price. By doing so, the heirs could sell the assets without paying any capital gains tax.

Benefits of the BBD strategy

The primary benefit of the BBD strategy is the potential to maximize wealth by leveraging assets to the maximum. By borrowing heavily against appreciating assets, individuals can invest in additional assets that are expected to generate high returns, thereby compounding their wealth over time.

Another advantage of the BBD strategy is the potential to minimize taxes. By borrowing heavily against assets, individuals can reduce their taxable income and potentially avoid paying capital gains taxes altogether. Additionally, by passing assets onto their heirs, individuals can take advantage of the stepped-up basis, further reducing their tax liabilities.

Drawbacks of the BBD strategy

While the BBD strategy may seem like a surefire way to maximize wealth, it comes with significant risks that should not be ignored. First and foremost, the strategy relies heavily on asset appreciation. If the assets do not appreciate as expected, individuals could find themselves in a difficult financial situation, with significant debt and few options for repayment.

Additionally, the BBD strategy requires significant borrowing, which can be risky in itself. If interest rates rise significantly, individuals could find themselves struggling to make loan payments, potentially leading to default and financial ruin. Using Chris’s foolproof methods, you’ll be able understand the market and leverage your knowledge to avoid those pitfalls. Click HERE to learn more.

Finally, the BBD strategy relies heavily on the assumption that individuals will pass away before having to repay their loans. While this may seem like a safe assumption, it is not always the case, and individuals should not rely on this outcome as a certainty.

In conclusion, the BBD strategy is a controversial tactic that some wealthy individuals use to maximize their wealth by leveraging their assets to the maximum. While the strategy may offer potential benefits, it comes with significant risks that should be carefully considered. Individuals considering the BBD strategy should consult with financial advisors and tax professionals to assess their individual circumstances and determine whether the strategy is appropriate for them.

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